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The Health Department's office will be closed from 12:00pm - 4:30pm on Friday, September 13, for staff training.

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Public Health Information

Community Health Assessment

Community Health Assessment

The Community Health Assessment is a systematic, data-driven approach to determining the health status, behaviors and needs of residents in the Omaha metropolitan area, including Douglas, Sarpy, Cass and Pottawattamie counties. Subsequently, this information may be used to inform decisions and guide efforts to improve community health and wellness. The Community Health Assessment identifies opportunities and challenges for government agencies, community organizations, and healthcare providers to modify policy to improve the health and quality of life in the Metro Area.

Metro Region Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The Sarpy/Cass Health Department has partnered with Douglas County Health Department and Pottawattamie County Public Health to create a Metro Region Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The CHIP report, released in April 2021, outlined a commitment to improve mental health across the region. An update to the CHIP was released in March 2022, which shared new information and celebrated the progress the region has made towards the priorities. Data from the 2021 Community Health Assessment (CHA) and feedback from community members informed and shaped the 2023–2025 Metro Region Community Health Improvement Plan.
