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The Health Department's office will be closed from 12:00pm - 4:30pm on Friday, September 13, for staff training.

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Communicable Diseases

Disease Surveillance

Disease Surveillance and Investigation
The Sarpy/Cass Health Department works diligently in the early detection, intervention, prevention and education of communicable diseases.  The Department is notified of communicable disease laboratory results through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS). Staff investigate each report, which may include patient interviews and physician consultations.  Recommendations are made to patients to prevent, promote, and protect the health of community members.

Foodborne Illness Investigation
You can help us identify foodborne outbreaks by telling us about your illness and things you ate in the days before you became ill. Your answers could help us identify foodborne outbreaks and prevent others from becoming ill.

Tuberculosis Investigation and Case Management
The Department is contracted by the State of Nebraska Tuberculosis (TB) Program to conduct investigations of active TB cases, including investigating case contacts. Department nurses case manage individuals in Sarpy and Cass counties who have been diagnosed with active TB. This involves working closely with the patient’s physician to observe the patient through Direct Observation Therapy (DOT), ensuring compliance with the prescribed treatment. You can find more information on TB on the Nebraska Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program website.

School Surveillance 
The Department monitors absentee rates with a school-based surveillance program to track communicable disease outbreaks and/or possible emergency-related events. Any absence rate over 10% is investigated and reported to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.

More information on specific disease topics can be found on the Health Topics A-Z page.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Disease Regulations - Title 173 - Control of Communicable Disease

Immunization Action Coalition

Influenza Vaccination Finder
